What an amazing morning with 42 De Paul Manor and De Paul Villa residents, staff and friends taking partin this annual event!
The atmosphere was electric, the weather perfect, and some great placings and times achieved by our fit and fantastic residents!! Notably in the Women 70-74 Caroline Linden 3rd; Women 75-79 Elisabeth Keane 2nd; Women 80-84 Sabina Sannen 2nd; and Men 75-79 David Griffiths 4th. Lots of folk did personal bests again this year, so the pre-race training and breakfast get togethers reaped rewards all round. Grateful thanks to Glen and Annette Mitchel for supplying their 50 seater 5 star bus to take us to and from the venue, and to our amazing residents who had prepared a sumptuous brunch on our return – how lucky are we all to part of such a caring, upbeat community!! A huge thanks also to Janeece McKenna, Caroline Linden and Denette Surti for organising this event.